14 Days Historical Ethiopia Tour

14 Days Historical Ethiopia Tour


On Request


14 Days

Tour Type


Explore Tours

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Advance Facilities

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Advance Facilities

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Tour Plan

Arrive to Addis Ababa and be welcomed.

Through the Blue Nile gorges and on the way a visit to the monastery church of Debre Libanos.

On the way a visit to the Blue IVile falls.

Boat trip on Lake Tana to visit the monastery churches.

Afternoon tour in Gonder

Including the magnificent view of the Simien Mountains.

Visit to the stele of Axum and the Tsiyon Mariam church.isit to the stele of Axum and the Tsiyon Mariam church.

En route visit to Yeha

En route visit to the church ofAbraha Atsehaha & Wukro.

En route visit to the rock hewn church of Genete Mariam.

Morning visit to the first group of churches. Afternoon visit to the second group of churches.

Lalibela - Komboicha

Kombolcha - Addis Ababa

City tour in Addis Ababa and departure.


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